Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) Application (Variances)

Applying for a hearing by the Board of Zoning Adjustment

Contact the City Planner listed at the bottom of the submission checklist to discuss/review the characteristics of the proposed project.  A phone call or an email will often suffice, but you may request an appointment to meet via zoom or in person.  It is recommended that this conversation and initial project review take place before an application is submitted; in some types of applications it is required by city ordinance that a pre-application conference takes place within a specific time frame prior to making an application.

View the online Board of Zoning Adjustment application form (Parts I and II) and deadline/hearing schedule by visiting: - boards and commissions – board of zoning adjustment - bza application or deadline/hearing schedule.

Submission Checklist (general)

All Board of Zoning Adjustment applications and related material described below shall be submitted via email in pdf format to the Administrative Analyst (copy City Planner) at the email addresses below.  No paper copies of application materials shall be accepted for placement on a Board of Zoning Adjustment agenda.

  • Parts I and II of the Variance Application, completed
  • Written statement describing scope of project, dated and signed by property owner or representative
  • Jefferson County Certified list of the names and mailing address of adjacent property owners (derived from Jefferson County Tax Assessor or title company) which shall include those across public right-of-way, easements, creeks, etc.
  • To-scale digital current survey (depicting proposed variance) and any other plans to be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustment (paper copies will not be accepted).
  • Fee as applicable ($100): make checks payable to City of Mountain Brook, and put payment in the mail to the Administrative Analyst at the mailing address noted below.

    For further information, or to schedule a pre-application conference, contact:

    Tyler Slaten, City Planner

    City of Mountain Brook

    56 Church Street

    Mountain Brook, AL 35213

    phone 205/802-3811

    fax 205/879-6913


    For further information regarding BZA submittals, application fees, or deadline/hearing schedule contact:

    Tammy Reid, Administrative Analyst

    City of Mountain Brook

    56 Church Street

    Mountain Brook, AL 35213

    phone 205/802-3810

    fax 205/879-6913