Special Needs Alert Program (SNAP)

June 15, 2023


The Mountain Brook Police Department is proud to announce a new program benefitting our most vulnerable citizens. The Special Needs Alert Program (SNAP) will allow us to better serve this population in the event of an emergency.

Parents or caregivers can access a fillable form on our website under the Parent Resources tab. It can then be emailed to Officer Thomas at thomasm@mtnbrook.org. The form is available through our App under the Police Services Tab. We ask that a current photograph of the registrant is uploaded or attached.

Departments across the United States have successfully implemented and utilized a similar program to assist their emergency efforts when answering calls involving special needs individuals. There is no age limit, or particular medical condition required for participation in the program.

We look forward to a collaborative relationship with parents and caregivers in order to best serve the entire Mountain Brook community.

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